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Biofertilizer - Potash Mobiliser


KRISHI-Potash Mobiliser is a liquid biofertilizer containing pure cultures of naturally occurring soil-borne Potash Mobilising bacterium. When applied to soil, KRISHI-Potash Mobilising bacterium multiplies, and mobilises insoluble potassium in soil. This mobilized potassium is easily available to the plants and reduces potassium application. KRISHI-Potash Mobiliser has CFU count of 2 x 10 9 / ml and can be used for all crops. Since KRISHI-Potash Mobiliser is in liquid formulation, it can be easily applied to the soil or through the drip irrigation system.


250 ml per acre in adequate quantity of water or applied mixed with small quantity of well -decomposed organic manure.

KRISHI - Potash Mobiliser

KRISHI-Potash-Mobiliser-Liquid-1L = ₹600


KRISHI-Potash-Mobiliser-Talc-1KG = ₹50
