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Biofertilizer-Consortia - Soil-4-Sure


Krishi Soil-4-Sure is a comprehensive soil nutrition and health package useful for all crops. It has nutitional, bioremediation and biofumigation capabilities. It contains consortia of rhizosophere specific beneficial bio-fertilizer inoculants. Besides facilitating optimal nutrient uptake by plants. Krishi Soil-4-Sure also improves plants ability to cope-up with soil-borne biotic stress due to disease and insects. With regular application of Krishi Soil-4-Sure to soil, farmers can reduce dosage of chemical ferfilizers used by a minimum of 25%.

Microbial inoculants are added in Krishi Soil-4-Sure at a CFU of minimum 8 x 10” per gm.

Target Crops

All vegetable crops, pomegranate, turmeric, black pepper, ginger, banana and all other crops.

Dosage and directions for use

Krishi Soil-4-Sure is recommended @5 kg/ha. It should be applied to soil mixed with FYM or the water extract of Soil-4-Sure should be used to drenching the root zone of crops. It can be applied to soi at the time of planting and once or twice during vegetative reproductive phase of crops.


Soil application of chemicals such as antibiotics and fungicides must be avoided one week before and after application of Krishi Soil-4-Sure.


Minimum one year from the date of packing.


Krishi Soil-4-Sure must be stored in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.

KRISHI - Soil-4-Sure

KRISHI-Soil-4-Sure-Liquid-5L = ₹3000


KRISHI-Soil-4-Sure-Talc-1KG = ₹155


KRISHI-Soil-4-Sure-Talc-5KG = ₹465
